
-Beneficial partnerships are built on a foundation of trust. At the center of our firm’s principles is the desire to foster trust through transparency and open communication. We are committed to providing honest, fiduciary advice and building success together as partners.

Our Approach to Fees

Incentives can strongly influence behavior. In order to reduce the conflicting incentives of advisor compensation through commissions and third party revenue sharing. We have adopted a fee only approach whereas the client pays for our ongoing advisory services directly. Our fees are based on a percentage of the investment assets we directly manage.

In limited circumstances, we can accommodate retainer and hourly service fees.

Our current fee schedule is outlined in our ADV disclosures.

Our Approach to Conflicts of Interest

Conflicts of interest can never fully be eliminated but they can be reduced by aligning the advisors and client’s incentives. We believe we have done this through our low conflict, service fee arrangement. In the event that conflicts arise, we are committed to discussing them openly with our clients and working through them in a mutually beneficial process.

Affiliate Companies

Mountain View Consulting

Mountain View Consulting is an affiliate that provides insurance services. We recognize risk management as an essential component in any sound financial plan.

The company does not provide variable products and is not affiliated with a Broker Dealer.

We are committed to making appropriate disclosures to clients whenever they are being referred too or services are being provided by Mountain View Consulting.

Services recommended by Mountain View Financial Advisors are not required to be obtained through Mountain View Consulting.

Important Disclosures

Schedule a Consultation Today

Financial independence starts with financial solutions from an experienced and trusted partner

(702) 802-3400